About the Founder

Geetika Aggarwal, the creative genius and driving force behind the store, is a visionary who has dedicated her life to celebrating the rich tapestry of Indian culture through the medium of fashion. Born and raised in the heart of India, she developed an early fascination for the intricate artistry and craftsmanship that defined her homeland.

Her journey into the world of fashion began with a deep-seated desire to bridge the gap between traditional Indian attire and contemporary style. Armed with a creative mind and a passion for modernizing traditions through fashion, she embarked on a mission to create a brand that would seamlessly blend the old and the new.

With unwavering determination, she scoured the length and breadth of India to identify skilled artisans who had spent a lifetime perfecting their craft. She believed that the true essence of fashion lay in the hands of these artisans, and she was committed to giving them a platform to showcase their talents.

Her love for clothing and fashion led to the core focus of Saisha Aggarwal. She envisioned linen not just as fabric but as a canvas on which stories could be told. Each linen creation at Saisha Aggarwal is a testament to her dedication to push the boundaries of Indian fashion forward, to meet the contemporary needs of today's fashion-forward individuals.

Geetika firmly believes that clothing should transcend mere functionality and become a means of self-expression. Her relentless pursuit of this belief has made Saisha Aggarwal a symbol of elegance and authenticity in the world of Indian fashion.

She invites you to be a part of this journey, to experience the magic of Indian ethnic wear, and to celebrate the artistry of India's artisans through every creation at Saisha Aggarwal.